Hi Everyone,  I’m excited to say that I am back.  You have probably all been wondering where I have been.  It was July 2014 the last time I blogged, but I am over the moon to be back 🙂

What has been going on?

2014 was a year of change for myself.  In January I closed/merged/sold (not sure how to describe it) my business Kangaroo Flat Administration Services, which had been running since 1998.  In February it was opened/rebranded as Dynamic Bookkeeping Solutions.  I stepped away from the running of the business so that I could concentrate on Ask the Bookkeeper, while just working for Dynamic Bookkeeping.  Just as things where starting to pick up a family tragedy struck which took me away from Ask the Bookkeeper and back into the running of Dynamic Bookkeeping Solutions.

I spent from July 2014 until January 2015 rebuilding my life and my business.  I still had a passion for Ask the Bookkeeper but I had to put it on hold until I could sort out my families life and the life of Dynamic Bookkeeping and its staff.  I have worked tirelessly to keep everything together and to turn Dynamic Bookkeeping into a successful self sufficient bookkeeping business so that I could concentrate, once again on Ask the Bookkeeper.

Where to from here?

During 2014 (even when I wasn’t actively working in Ask the Bookkeeper) I searched for the exact business model that would make me feel great when working on Ask the Bookkeeper.  I have a heap of knowledge inside of my head waiting to get out.  I love sharing my knowledge and I love helping Small Business Owners to succeed in running their business.  I also understand that most Small Business Owners believe that they can’t afford a Bookkeeper, or they don’t believe they need one as they can just do it.

So at the beginning of 2015 I sat down and deleted most of the pages on the Ask the Bookkeeper website.  The business model that I have chosen is to offer my knowledge for free to the Small Business Owner.  As I explain to people about what I am doing, their first question is why? Why do something for free?  And my response is, if someone came up to me in the street and asked me a question about Bookkeeping or Small Business I would answer them without hesitation, so why can’t I do the same online as well?  Don’t get me wrong, there will be plenty of opportunities for me to earn money, to sell products and/or support, but these will be added down the track as I develop further, so for now my business model is – you ask a question – I answer it 😀

How to ask questions

I go into detail on how to ask me a question on my ASK page of this website, but basically you have two methods to ask a question about your bookkeeping and/or Small Business matter and they are 1. via email and 2. using the voicemail widget on the right hand side of my website pages.

How I will answer your questions

There are 4 ways in which I will answer your question, no I wont answer it 4 times, I will just choose one way out of the 4 😀  The methods of response are 1. via my blog 2. via my Podcast (coming soon) 3. via a screencast/video (coming soon) or 4. via a private email.

If I decide that your question needs one on one training I may contact you about this and discuss how we could organise this at a price.

Where to from here with Ask the Bookkeeper?

Over the next couple of weeks I will continue to set up my website to make asking a question and responding to it as easy as possible.  I will establish my Podcast and my Screencasts/videos and make sure that you are all happy with how things are going.

Then I plan to release a webinar series on paperflow/bookkeeping/filing, I will do these to as many people as I can in as many industries as I can.  Once that is up and running I will then release my three e-books that are focused around the same subjects.

Then I will work on bookkeeping training courses for Small Business Owners and/or their Partners/Receptionists etc.  These will go further into bookkeeping than the webinars did.

This is all just the tip of the iceberg, but I can’t tell you about it all now.

I need your help!!!!

For all this to be a success I need your help.  So what can you do for me I hear you ask, well there are several things.

  1. Subscribe to my Newsletter – here – as a thank for doing this, you will receive a BAS Preparation Checklist sent to your emails
  2. Ask me a Question. Go to my ASK page and follow the instructions and ask me a question.  The only way this is going to work is if you ask me a question, so ask away
  3. Leave a comment below in the comments section and tell me your thoughts and idea’s around Ask the Bookkeeper, you could also ask me a question here

Thank you so much for your understanding, I hope that 2015 and beyond is totally amazing, not only for myself but you all you lovely people as well.

Question: What do you struggle doing the most when you are bookkeeping?