When new employees start working for you, it is a great idea to get off on the right foot.  This starts prior to them actually starting, by giving them as much information as you possibly can.  Then on the day they start, the best way to make them feel welcome is to take them through an induction process.

Prior to first day

After you have given the successful applicant their letter of offer and they have accepted it, you need to do a few more things before their first day.

  • Get them to return their signed copy of the Letter of Engagement (or employment contract) – information on their Letter of Engagement can be found in my blog – Engaging Workers – Employment
  • Give them their New Employee Pack – see my blog Engaging Workers – Preparing for Recruitment – this takes you through what to include in a New Employee Pack – Make sure that they know to bring the New Employee Pack back on their first day
  • Give them a letter of Introduction. This letter will:
    • Advise them the day, time and date they are to start
    • Who they should report to on their first day
    • Advise them if they have to bring any tools or equipment
    • Advise them to bring a copy of any licences they may hold
  • Organise a Uniform for them – get them to come in, try on sizes and put in an order for their uniform. If their uniform is not going to be available on the day they start, make sure you advise them on what to wear until their uniform arrives.

First day of work

On the first day, make your new staff member feels welcomed, well-informed and equipped to do their job.  To do this there are several things you need to do:

  • Give them an induction pack that you have already created
  • Take them on a tour of the work premises
  • Introduce them to the other staff and connect them with the person they will be working with mainly
  • Show them where they need to store their personal belongings during the day
  • Show them the emergency procedure just in case of fire etc.
  • Go through the induction process

Induction Process

The induction process provides them with further information about you, your business and their role, responsibilities and other requirements, especially workplace health and safety.  It makes them feel welcome and comfortable, it makes it clear what you expect of them and from an administrative side of things, guarantees that the new staff member is set up correctly.

Induction Pack

It is a great idea to make up an induction pack so that you are organised for your new staff members first day.  Some things that should be included in this pack is:

  • A current organisational chart listing the current roles and employees’ names
  • A copy of the company Human Resources Manual
  • A copy of their job description
  • A copy of their Letter of Engagement
  • Copies of any marketing materials – brochures etc.
  • Staff telephone list
  • A safety induction including evacuation procedures
  • Security access

Other Staffing issues that need to be talked about

There are a number of other things that you need to make sure you address on the first day, don’t just type something up and put it in the induction pack, make sure you that you address everything with the staff member verbally so that they understand exactly what is required of them.

Go through

  • Any relevant business policies and procedures that they need to know about, point out that the HR Manual is included in their induction pack and where the original is kept on the premises for them to read at any time.
  • Discuss with them:
    • The history of the business and its role
    • Who they report to
    • Their duties and what training will be provided
    • Performance expectation and when and how they performance is reviewed
    • Hours of work and recording the hours of work
    • Rostering, if any
    • Meal breaks and other breaks
    • The applicable award or agreement they are employed under and where to find a copy if they need to
    • How they get paid (cheque, cash, bank), when they get paid (weekly, fortnightly), date of first pay
    • How they received payslips – email, post or in person
    • Any workplace policies and procedures including:
      • Uniform or dress code
      • Procedure if the employee is sick or running late
      • Procedure for applying for leave
      • Rules regarding personal calls, visitors and/or use of social media at work
      • Any bullying, harassment and anti-discrimination policies
      • If there is a probation period, how long etc.

Having undertaken all of this your new staff member should be feeling welcomed and confident that they fit in and know how things run.

If you have any questions about this or any other part of the HR/Payroll blogs that I have written recently, please email me or contact me on Facebook or Twitter.